Elective Endoscopy
During a gastroscopy examination, a flexible fibre-optic endoscopy is passed through the mouth and down into the stomach. This allows our specialist to explore your oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. Samples of tissue can also be painlessly taken during this test.
Sigmoidoscopies and colonoscopies are used to examine the lining of the large bowel (or colon) and are conducted using a flexible fibre-optic colonoscope.

Have a Question?
For your convenience, we have provided an FAQ Centre to help you get a better understanding of our practices at NT Medical Specialist. If we haven’t answered your question, feel free to contact us or submit an enquiry through our website.
NT Medical Specialist are linked with the Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin Private Hospital and the Darwin Day Surgery to ensure we are able to provide the highest levels of patient care.

Phone: (08) 7913 7873
Fax: (08) 7913 7880
21 Vanderlin Drive, Wanguri NT 0810
PO Box 43347, Casuarina NT 0811
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